- Extra Large Secure Space: Our dog kennel(4x4x6 ft) offers plenty of room for your pets to enjoy exercise, play, and other outside activities in a pet-friendly environment.Steel bars and wire mesh are welded before coating to prevent sharp edges that could harm your pet. Doors with carefully designed lockable latches and mesh nets keep your dog away from predators and other hazards while enjoying the outdoor scenery
- Sturdy & Durable: This dog kennel is made of high tensile strength metal, which is not easy to be hit and chewed. The metal surface coating provides excellent protection against rust, corrosion and fading, even in extreme climatic conditions, for long-lasting durability.It is the best choice for outdoor dog kennel
- Waterproof & UV Protection Proof: The heavy-duty waterproof cover and steel roof frame fit perfectly over the outdoor cage. The waterproof cover provides complete protection for your pet from any weather. The added UV protection prevents tearing, cracking, fading or peeling for long-term use. The roof shape of the kennel allows water, rain and snow to run off rather than accumulate on the roof. Sturdy elastic cords hold the cover securely in place so it fits snugly into the roof frame
- Easy to Assemble: All accessories are included in the box. There are pre-assembled modular panels that can be quickly and easily attached using hand-tightened clips, no tools required. The door position can be adapted to your needs Installation
From the brand
position: relative;
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.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container > div {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned elements so they can take up space.
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height: 625px;
width: 100%;
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padding: 0px;
This centers the carousel vertically on top of the hero image container and after the logo area (125px).
Margin-top = (heroHeight – cardHeight – logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight
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margin-top: 149px;
Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize itself so all cards take the width of the largest card.
The left margin is for leaving a space between each card.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-card {
width: 362px;
margin-left: 30px !important;
/* styling the navigation buttons so they are taller, flush with the sides, and have a clean white background */
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padding: 0px;
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background: #fff;
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border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;

PUKAMI focuses on Furniture and Pet Supplies, constantly pursuing excellence and innovation to create products that enhance the quality of life at home.
Choosing and believing in PUKAMI will enrich your life!
Dog Playpen
8/16 Panels 24/32/40 Height x32 inch Width
Plastic Dog House
Dog Crate with Drawer
Corner Dog Crate
8x4x6ft Outdoor Dog Kennel
Product Description

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