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48″ Heavy Duty Dog Kennels for Indoor Outdoor with Double Doors Locks and Lockable Wheels Easy To Assemble and Clean

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Original price was: $491.97.Current price is: $255.82.

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About this item

  • [Rugged and Durable]: The steel-constructed large dog crate is built to last. Welding parts are firmly connected, not easy to be bitten by a large dog.
  • [Optimal ventilation & visibility]: The sturdy metal frame and double door not only allow you to interact with your dog, but also provide optimal ventilation and visibility which offer your dog a comfortable environment.
  • [Easy to Clean and Move]: The heavy duty dog kennel has a removable tray for easy cleaning. 360-degree rotatable wheels allow you to move it everywhere and can be locked to prevent unnecessary movement.
  • [Easy to Assemble]: The accessories included, you only need to install the screws and wheels. It takes within 10 minutes to form a dog crate.
  • [Size & Aftersales]: The size of the heavy duty kennel is 48″L X 29″W X 51″H.

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48″ Heavy Duty Dog Kenn...

Original price was: $491.97.Current price is: $255.82.

United States
  • United States
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